1. Title of the Practice:
 Employee’s Welfare Scheme

2. Objectives of the Practice:
 To increase the welfare of the employees of the HEI.
 To increase social security.

3. The Context:
 Since a majority of employees of the HEI are working on temporary basis the welfare
measures such as Employee’s Provident Fund, Employee’s State Insurance, Group
Insurance etc will be useful to create a security feeling among employees of the institute.

4. The Practice:
The management of the Institute has provided certain welfare measures to the temporary staff
of the institute. Among them the major measures are Employee’s Provident Fund,
Employee’s State Insurance and Group Insurance.
As for as PF facility is concerned 12% cut in the salary of the employee will be transferred to
the PF account along with 12% contribution made by the management.
ESI provisions are also being made to the teaching and non teaching employees of the
institute @ 0.75% cut from employee salary and 3.25% contribution made by the
A fixed definite amount will be collected from the employees for group insurance this will be
helpful to the employees to have necessary claims during critical illness, risk, uncertainty
and other grievances.

5. Evidence of success:
(1) Mrs.Renita Dsouza was on maternity leave from April 1st, 2018.By date 3 months salary
and ESI monetary benefit was credited to her account by ESI. The xerox copy of her SB
account is appended herewith.
(2) Similarly Prof. Harsha Prabhu, working as an Assistant Professor is also the beneficiary
of ESI facility. His wife was admitted at Manipal and nearly RS.1,23,000/- being the
delivery charges and post-delivery paid to the hospital.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
At the time of implementing the scheme and getting the benefits of the scheme no problems
were uncounted. The management is making necessary arrangements to provide the resources
of such purposes.


1. Title of the Practice:
 Blood Donation Camp

2. Objectives of the Practice:
a. To save the life of people who are in need of blood.

3. The Context:
There are many hospitals situated near to our college. Whenever they are in need of
blood for patients, they are always relying on our college blood donors.

4. The Practice:
Blood donation is one of the most important donations which can save one’s life. The
NCC cadets, NSS voluntaries and Red Cross and Youth Red Cross voluntaries and all
the students of our institution are regularly donating their blood. We have conducted
many blood donation camps, which is a very noble event of our college.
Our students are ready to donate their blood at any time during emergencies. The E-mail
address and contact number have been recorded and maintained in the college to reach
our students instantly.

5. Evidence of success:
Every year the institute will arrange for blood donation Camp nearly 45 to 50 students
are donating their blood. Whenever necessary our students are donating their blood
outside the campus also. During the academic year 2021-22 it was not possible to
organize the blood donation camp because of covid-19 pandemic.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
All students can not donate blood only healthy students having weight above fifty kg can
donate their blood. Some student will are expressing their fear to donate blood. This camp will
be arranged in the institute with the assistance of Government Hospital, Sirsi and IMA Lifeline
blood bank .