Aims of NAAC and IQAC
NAAC is an autonomous institution of the University Grants Commission which strives to play a catalytic role in higher education for the assurance, enhancement and sustenance of quality education. The higher education institutions are affiliated to the universities. Some are autonomous. Our college is affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad. The Universities and Higher Education Institutions are governed by UGC and State Government. Our college is accredited by NAAC during May 2004 with B+ grade and re-accredited during September 2012 with B grade, due to change in the gradation system. NAAC advocates the establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post accreditation quality sustenance activity. The students should realize that they have the right for quality education and it is the responsibility of the Institution to provide Quality Education. The students are equally being aware of their responsibilities which in turn will help the institution to provide Quality Education.
………The aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.

Our Quality – Policy

  • Availability to the learners.
  • Concern for Students.
  • Involvement in Institutional Activities.
  • Commitment for the cause of Education.
  • Respect for Inter-personal relations.
  • Self-Motivation for higher goals.
  • Orientation programmes.
  • Internal Interactions for improvement.
  • Academic accountability
  • Quest for excellence.
  • Use of Technology.


Functions of IQAC

1.Development and application of quality benchmark and parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
2. Dissemination of information on the various quality parameters of higher education.
3. Organization of workshops, seminars and conduct of reach out programmes and extension lectures etc. on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles.
4. Monitoring of the various committees and documentation of the various programmes and activities leading to quality improvements.
5. Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to be submitted to NAAC based on the quality parameters.
6. Since 2004 the functionaries of IQAC have been actively involved in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate the internalization of the quality culture.

Core Values

  1. Contributing to National Development.
  2. Enabling to build up their professional career through CA/CS courses.
  3. Inculcating a value system among students.
  4. Promoting the use of Technology.
  5. Quest for Excellence.


About IQAC

  • As per the direction of NAAC, the IQAC was established in our Institution in the year May 2004 immediately after the first cycle of accreditation.
  • Since  its inception, IQAC has been playing a catalytic role, for the assurance, enhancement and sustenance of quality education
Sl. No. Functionaries Name of the Chief
1 Infrastructure Planner and Management Representative Shri. Varindra S. Kamat
Chairman, College Sub-Committee
2 Resource Developer and AQAR promoter Prof. R.N.Nayak, Principal
3 Academic Auditor Prof. R. M. Samasgeekar
4 Cultural Activity Promoter Dr. S.K.Hegde, Associate Professor
5 Sports Activity Promoter Shri Shreesha Nayak, Physical Director
6 Career Guidance and Placement Officer Shri. S.M.Hegde, Associate Professor
7 Student Welfare Officer Shri. S.M.Hegde, Associate Professor
8 Student Representatives General Secretaries for Union and Gymkhana
9 Representative from Alumni Association Shri. Preetam Barkur
President Alumni Association
10 Administrative staff Shri. Maidoor Mailarappa
11 External Academic Advisor Dr. R.G.Hegde, Ex-Principal

Dr. B.V,Bhat, Rtd. Associate Professor

12 Representative from
Stake-holder and Community
CA Satish Hegde
13 1. Co-ordinator

2. Assistant Co-ordinator

Prof. Satish Baadgaonkar, Associate Professor

Prof. Harsha Prabhu



Sl.    No. Constitution of Committees Sl. No. Constitution of  Committees
1 Internal Assessment and Examination Committee 14 IQAC
2 Result Analysis Committee 15 Website Monitoring Committee
3 Library Committee 16 Arts Circle
4 Discipline, Anti-Ragging and Grievance Redressal Committee 17 Attendance and Monthly Report
5 Sports Committee
6 Student Welfare Unit
7 Mentor System
8 Prospectus, Calendar and Time-Table Committee
9 Feedback Report Committee
10 Prospectus and Calendar of events Committee
11 Ladies Hostel Supervision Committee
12 Career Guidance,
Skill Development and Placement
13 Literary Circle