The Institution has a 5 Tier System for evaluating the performance of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff. The evaluation process passes through 5 stages.
Self Evaluation
Evaluation by Head of the Department Remarks by the Principal
Remarks by the Sub Committee Remarks by the Management
1) Every faculty member at the end of the academic year has to fill up the self evaluation report. The report covers personal information and academic aspects such as subject taught, feedback about the students, conductance of co-curricular activities etc.
2) The Head of the Department thoroughly analyses the report and puts remarks on it and the same will be submitted to the Principal.
3) Subsequently, Principal goes through the report and he puts his remarks if needed and passes it to the sub -committee
4) Sub-committee put remarks if needed and hand over it to the management.
5) Finally, in consultation with the Principal, the Management gives suggestions for improvement.
Feedback about teachers is collected from the students through feedback forms in which they are asked to give their responses to questions covering different aspects of teachers’ performance. Students are assured of the confidentiality of the report and they are encouraged to express their opinions freely and objectively.